destroy her - but you can destroy a marriage that was apparently meaningful to both you and your husband. That you have already gone far in this direction must be obvious to you. I can only guess at how many (or few) more such blows the very real love your husband feels for you can sustain without breaking.
Those wives who, reluctantly or willingly, have chosen the route of tolerance, open-mindedness and acceptance have found that there are things they can learn from this uninvited "guest". Acceptance and tolerance on the part of the wife does not auto- matically mean a "Take-over by the Girl"; on the contrary, with the conflict resolved, the urgency behind dressing is lessened and the husband will tend to dress less frequently or will be willing to compromise with you as to an acceptable frequency. The reward for such patience has been a deeper, richer relationship with their husbands - even that all too rare thing between spouses, genuine friend- ship.
So, there you have it. If you still feel that TVs and all who tolerate them are "sick", then our use of words is so different that attempts at communication between us are probably futile. In any case, the choice is yours, and yours alone, between accepting the many hands that are offered you in friendship or continuing to the logical end of your present course.
Sincerely yours,
EDITOR'S NOTE: This letter was written by Sheila (30-B-2 FPE) to be sent to the wife of one of our girls. It is so well done that I felt that it ought to be available to all readers so that they might use it's contents in talking with their own wives... or let them read it. In interesting contrast are the two following letters FROM understanding wives.